Tiger Elective Adventure: Family Stories

BSA retired this adventure in May 2022. This information remains for reference only.

Tiger Elective Adventure: Family Stories

1. Discuss with your adult partner and/or family where your family originated. Discuss their history, traditions, and culture—your family heritage. Share a story or bring something to share with your den about yourself and your family.

2. Make a family crest.

3. Visit your public library to find out information about your heritage.

4. Interview one of your grandparents or another family elder, and share with your den what you found.

5. Make a family tree.

6. Share with your den how you got your name or what your name means.

7. Share with your den your favorite snack or dessert that reflects your cultural heritage.

8. Learn where your family came from, and locate it on a map. Share this information with your den. With the help of your adult partner, locate and write to a pen pal from that location.

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