Disney Family Tree & Crest

Scouts who need to complete a family tree for an adventure elective requirement or a Merit Badge requirement should start with their name and include at least two additional generations. While completing a family tree, parents and scouts can discuss the history, traditions, and culture of their family heritage.
My Family Tree for the Core Value: Faith
Faith means having inner strength and confidence based on trust in a higher power. Understanding one’s family tree, ancestors, and heritage brings stories to life of the strength and confidence of our family members. It also tells of their belief and trust in a higher power to help bring them safely to the United States. In years past, many immigrants traveled by boat. What faith they had in that boat that would change their lives! Courtesy April 2013 Cub Scout Meeting Guide

Want a little more Disney magic? Use the Disney coat of arms found above Sleeping Beauty’s castle in Disneyland as inspiration for creating your own coat of arms.