Cub Scout: Home & Family
During your Walt Disney World vacation, your scout will have the opportunity to practice his home & family skills as you plan for your vacation, while traveling to WDW, dining at the restaurants, and visiting the parks.
Throughout the Cub Scout ranks, there are many Home & Family goals built into the adventures including:
- Appreciating diversity and each Scout’s unique family heritage
- Being observant
- Building skills
- Developing confidence, and encouraging bravery and patience
- Developing patience and perseverance as they train their pets
- Following directions
- Home repair knowledge and skills
- Learning some basics about project planning (selecting a project, evaluating what is needed, choosing the proper type of wood, etc.)
- Learning the benefits of having loyal pets and being loyal to them in return
- Motor skills
- Showing creativity and artistic skills with the final project
- Showing respect and kindness for animals
- Understanding basic tools and tool safety
- Using math skills while measuring
- Working with wood to create a project
A Scout is trustworthy, helpful, courteous, obedient, and kind while practicing home & family skills.
Planning for your Disney World Resort & Park Visit
Traveling to Walt Disney World
Dining at Disney World Restaurants
Visiting Disney World Parks
Tiger Core Adventure: Team Tiger
Tiger Elective Adventure: Family Stories
Bear Elective Adventure: Baloo the Builder
Bear Elective Adventure: Critter Care
Webelos / AOL Elective Adventure: Build It
Webelos / AOL Elective Adventure: Fix It
Filed Under: Arrow of Light, Baloo the Builder, Bear Elective Adventure, BEAR SCOUT, Build It, Critter Care, DISNEYLAND, Family Stories, Fix It, Tiger Cub, Tiger Elective Adventure, TIGER SCOUT, Webelos AOL Elective Adventure, WEBELOS SCOUT
Tags: Courteous, Dining, Disney, Helpful, Home & Family, Kind, Obedient, Planning, Traveling, Trustworthy, Visiting, Walt Disney World