Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tales
BSA retired this adventure in May 2022. This information remains for reference only.
Tiger Elective Adventure: Earning Your Stripes
1. Bring in and share with your den five items that are the color orange.
2. Demonstrate loyalty over the next week at school or in your community. Share at your next den meeting how you were loyal to others.
3. With your adult partner, decide on one new task you can do to help your family, and do it.
4. Talk with your den and adult partner about polite language. Learn how to shake hands properly and introduce yourself.
5. Play a game with your den. Then discuss how your den played politely.
6. With your adult partner and den, work on a service project for your pack’s meeting place or chartered organization.
Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tales
1. Create a tall tale with your den.
2. Create your own tall tale. Share your tall tale with your den.
3. Read a tall tale with your adult partner.
4. Create a piece of art from a scene in the tall tale you have read, using your choice of materials. Share it with your den.
5. Play a game from the past.
6. Sing two folk songs.
7. Visit a historical museum or landmark with your adult partner.