Tag: Tiger Adventure

Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tales

Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tales

BSA retired this adventure in May 2022. This information remains for reference only. Tiger Elective Adventure: Earning Your Stripes 1. Bring in and share with your den five items that are the color orange. 2. Demonstrate loyalty over the next week at school or in 

Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tag

Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tag

Tiger Elective Adventures: Tiger Tag 1. Choose one active game you like, and tell your den about it. 2. Do the following:a. Play two relay games with your den and your adult partner.b. Tell your adult partner or the other Tigers what you liked best 

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger: Safe and Smart

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger: Safe and Smart

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger: Safe and Smart

1. Do the following:
a. Memorize your address, and say it to your den leader or adult partner.
b. Memorize an emergency contact’s phone number, and say it to your den
leader or adult partner.
c. Take the 911 safety quiz.

2. Do the following:
a. Show you can “Stop, Drop, and Roll.”
b. Show you know how to safely roll someone else in a blanket to put out a fire.

3. Make a fire escape map with your adult partner.

4. Explain your fire escape map, and try a practice fire drill at home.

5. Find the smoke detectors in your home. With the help of your adult partner, check the batteries.

6. Visit an emergency responder station, or have an emergency responder visit you.

Tiger Elective Adventures

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger-iffic!

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger-iffic!

Tiger Elective Adventure: Tiger-iffic! Complete 1–3 and one from 4–6. 1. Play at least two different games by yourself; one may be a video game. 2. Play a board game or another inside game with one or more members of your den. 3. Play a 

Tiger Elective Adventures: Sky Is the Limit

Tiger Elective Adventures: Sky Is the Limit

Tiger Elective Adventures: Sky Is the Limit 1. With your den or adult partner, go outside to observe the night sky. Talk about objects you see or might see. 2. Look at a distant object through a telescope or binoculars. Show how to focus the device you 

Tiger Elective Adventure: Good Knights

Tiger Elective Adventure: Good Knights

Tiger Elective Adventure: Good Knights

1. Do the following:
a. With your den or adult partner, say the Scout Law. Explain to your den one of the 12 points of the Law and why you think a knight would have the
same behavior.
b. If you have not already done so, make a code of conduct with your den that will describe how each person should act when you are all together. If your den has a code of conduct, discuss with your den the updates it might need. Vote on which actions should go in your den code of conduct.

2. Create a den shield and a personal shield.

3. Using recycled materials, design and build a small castle with your adult partner to display at the pack meeting.

4. Think of one physical challenge that could be part of an obstacle course. Then help your den design a Tiger Knight obstacle course. With your adult partner, participate in the course.

5. Participate in a service project.

5 East Steps for Planning your Disney Vacation
Tiger Elective Adventure: Earning Your Stripes

Tiger Elective Adventure: Earning Your Stripes

BSA retired this adventure in May 2022. This information remains for reference only. Tiger Elective Adventure: Earning Your Stripes 1. Bring in and share with your den five items that are the color orange. 2. Demonstrate loyalty over the next week at school or in 

Tiger Elective Adventure: Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries

Tiger Elective Adventure: Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries

Tiger Elective Adventure: Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries 1. Learn a magic trick. Practice your magic trick so you can perform it in front of an audience. 2. Create an invitation to a magic show. 3. With your den or with your family, put on a 

Tiger Adventure: Tiger Bites

Tiger Adventure: Tiger Bites

Tiger Adventure: Tiger Bites

1. Identify three good food choices and three foods that would not be good choices.

2. Show that you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. Eat one of each.

3. With your adult partner, pick a job to help your family at mealtime. Do it every day for one week.

4. Show you can keep yourself and your personal area clean.

5. Talk with your adult partner about what foods you can eat with your fingers. Practice your manners when eating them.

6. With your adult partner, plan and make a good snack choice or other nutritious food to share with your den.

Find related posts for Tiger Adventure: Tiger Bites

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Tiger Adventure: Tigers in the Wild

Tiger Adventure: Tigers in the Wild

Tiger Adventure: Tigers in the Wild 1. With your adult partner, name and collect the Cub Scout Six Essentials you need for a hike. Tell your den leader what you would need to add to your list if it rains. 2. Go for a short hike