Disney Autograph Book
Meet the Characters with your
Walt Disney World Official Autograph Book!
Meeting Mickey Mouse for the first time is a MAGICAL experience! If character meet and greets are going to be a big part of your family vacation, you will want to be prepared. Here are a couple of tips to get you started:
Bring an autograph book with you to the parks. Autograph books come in a variety of sizes –
- At 4.5 x 6 inches, the official Walt Disney World Autograph book pictured above is the perfect size to fit in waist packs or to tuck in the outside pocket of a backpack for easy access.
- Disney offers another book designed to hold 4×6 photos and autographs. Since it’s a little larger at 11.3 x 8.6, the characters will have plenty of room to write a short message or personalize their signature even more.
- DIY (Do It Yourself) autograph books are fun too and can be crafted to coordinate with your vacation scrapbook or photo album.
Bring a fat or thick black marker with you to the parks.
- Thicker pens are easier for the characters to hold.
- Black markers like a Sharpie or Bic Mark allow for a crisp signature.
- Bring several markers – one for each child and a spare or two.