Tiger Cub Achievement 1 – Making My Family Special

Tiger Cub Achievement 1 – Making My Family Special

Making My Family Special 1F – Family ActivityThink of one chore you can do with your adult partner. Complete it together.  Get ready, Get set, Pack! 1D – Den ActivityMake a family scrapbook. 1G – Go See It ActivityGo to a library, historical society, museum, 

Tiger Cub Achievement 2 – Where I Live

Tiger Cub Achievement 2 – Where I Live

Where I Live 2F – Family ActivityLook at a map of your community with your adult partner. 2D – Den ActivityPractice the Pledge of Allegiance with your den, and participate in a den or pack flag ceremony. Magic Kingdom Flag Retreat 2G – Go See 

Daily Flag Retreat Ceremony at the Magic Kingdom

Daily Flag Retreat Ceremony at the Magic Kingdom

At Walt Disney World, honoring America and it’s people are common themes. You’ll find the flag and other patriotic emblems throughout the parks.According to Disney, one of the longest traditions is the daily Flag Retreat in Town Square on Main Street USA in the Magic 

Mickey Mouse Tye Dye Tee Shirt

Mickey Mouse Tye Dye Tee Shirt

Create this fun tee shirt, featured at Craftster, to wear during your Walt Disney World Vacation!   Many families make matching shirts to wear at the parks.  Be an artist, mix the primary colors to meet art electives, stitch around the Mickey head to meet sewing electives, and 

Scouting Fun for the Family!

Scouting Fun for the Family!

Scouting Fun for the Family!  “Cub Scouting aims to develop youth into participating citizens of good character who are physically, spiritually, and mentally fit. The organization recognizes that it is the responsibility of parents and families to raise their children. The Cub Scout program is 

Facing Family Challenges

Facing Family Challenges

Fun for the Family contains a series of activities and requirements designed to help strengthen families and to develop good characters skills among family members. This optional scouting award encourages families to interact and connect through five activity areas, which incorporates Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values. 

Connecting With Your Community

Connecting With Your Community

Fun for the Family contains a series of activities and requirements designed to help strengthen families and develop good character skills among family members. This optional scouting award encourages families to interact and connect through five activity areas, which incorporate Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values. 

Building a Family Team

Building a Family Team

Fun for the Family contains a series of activities and requirements designed to help strengthen families and develop good character skills among family members. This optional scouting award encourages families to interact and connect through five activity areas, which incorporate Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values. 

Developing Personal Skills

Developing Personal Skills

Fun for the Family contains a series of activities and requirements designed to help strengthen families and develop good character skills among family members. This optional scouting award encourages families to interact and connect through five activity areas, which incorporate Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values. 

Family Identity: Bookworm

Family Identity: Bookworm

Fun for the Family contains a series of activities and requirements designed to help strengthen families and develop good character skills among family members. This optional scouting award encourages families to interact and connect through five activity areas, which incorporate Cub Scouting’s 12 Core Values.