Tiger Adventure: My Family’s Duty to God

Tiger Adventure: My Family’s Duty to God

Tiger Adventure: My Family’s Duty to God Complete requirement 1 and at least two from requirements 2–4. 1. With your adult partner, find out what duty to God means to your family. 2. Find out what makes each member of your family special. 3. With 

Meal Time Grace

Meal Time Grace

As a reverent scout, a mealtime grace or blessing is a wonderful way to practice a worship activity with your family while on vacation. Many scouts already sing this dinner-time blessing during campouts. Did you know it comes from a Disney movie? Sung by Dennis 

Church Services at Disney?

Church Services at Disney?

Would your family like to incorporate family worship and church services into your vacation planning? While Disney does not regularly offer on-property church services, there are a variety of ways your scouting family may worship while on vacation. Attend a local church service A list 

Wolf Adventure: Paws on the Path

Wolf Adventure: Paws on the Path

Wolf Adventure: Paws on the Path Show you are prepared to hike safely by putting together the Cub Scout Six Essentials to take along on your hike. Tell what the buddy system is and why we always use it in Cub Scouts. Describe what you 

Emergency! What to do if you get separated at a theme park

Emergency! What to do if you get separated at a theme park

What to do if you get separated at a theme park Even if your child misplaces you for just a few minutes, it can be a frightening experience – so it is a good idea to have a few simple steps to follow. Teach your 

Cub Scout Buddy System

Cub Scout Buddy System

For the Boy Scouts of America, the safety of the youth is an important part of the Scouting experience. In fact, the BSA National Health and Safety Committee developed the “Sweet Sixteen” of BSA safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points embody good judgment and common sense applicable to 

Take a Hike

Take a Hike

Walt Disney World is a large place – almost the size of San Francisco or two Manhattans – there’s a lot of area to cover between the 4 main theme parks, 2 water parks, 26+ resorts, Disney Springs, and Disney’s Boardwalk area. Your family will 

Bear Adventure: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

Bear Adventure: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

Bear Adventure: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns 1. While hiking or walking for one mile, identify six signs that any mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, or plants are living nearby the place where you choose to hike. 2. Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 

Bear Elective Adventure: A Bear Goes Fishing

Bear Elective Adventure: A Bear Goes Fishing

Bear Elective Adventure: A Bear Goes Fishing 1. Discover and learn about three types of fishes in your area.Draw a color picture of each fish, and record what each one likes toeat, and describe what sort of habitat each likes.2. Learn about your local fishing 

Webelos & AOL Elective Adventure: Into the Wild

Webelos & AOL Elective Adventure: Into the Wild

Webelos & AOL Elective Adventure: Into the Wild Do six from requirements 1 through 9.1. Collect and care for an “insect, amphibian, or reptile zoo.” You mighthave crickets, ants, grasshoppers, a lizard, or a toad. Study them fora while and then let them go. Share