Bear Elective Adventure: Bear Picnic Basket

Bear Elective Adventure: Bear Picnic Basket

Bear Elective Adventure: Bear Picnic Basket 1. Do the following:a. Create your own Bear cookbook using at least five recipes you can cook or prepare either on your own or with some adult help. Include one page with information about first aid. You should include 

Mickey Check Meals for Great Nutrition

Mickey Check Meals for Great Nutrition

Dining at Disney During your Disney vacation, you will have an opportunity to dine at a variety of locations. From popcorn kiosks to Quick Service venues to sit-down Table Service restaurants and buffets, Disney World has over 200 places where food is served. Disney makes 

Cub Scout: Home & Family

Cub Scout: Home & Family

During your Walt Disney World vacation, your scout will have the opportunity to practice his home & family skills as you plan for your vacation, while traveling to WDW, dining at the restaurants, and visiting the parks. Throughout the Cub Scout ranks, there are many Home & Family goals built 

Bear Elective Adventure: Critter Care

Bear Elective Adventure: Critter Care

Bear Elective Adventure: Critter Care 1. Care for a pet for two weeks. Make a list of tasks you did to take care of the pet. If you do not have a pet, research one that you would like to have and write about the care 

Bear Elective Adventure: Baloo the Builder

Bear Elective Adventure: Baloo the Builder

Bear Elective Adventure: Baloo the Builder 1. Discover which hand tools are the best ones to have in your toolbox. Learn the rules for using these tools safely. Practice with at least four of these tools before beginning a project.2. Select, plan, and define the materials 

Cub Scout: Faith

Cub Scout: Faith

During your Walt Disney World vacation, your scout will have the opportunity to practice his faith as you plan for your vacation, while traveling to WDW, dining at the restaurants, and visiting the parks. Throughout the Cub Scout ranks, there are many Faith goals built into the adventures including 

Religious Freedom and the American Adventure

Religious Freedom and the American Adventure

The American Adventure Pavilion and feature attraction takes guests on a trip through America’s history. The 30 minute show chronicles Americas illustrious past and promising future through audio-animatronics, film and music. Beginning with the landing of the Mayflower, watch and see how the American ideals 

Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God

Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God

Bear Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God Do either requirement 1 OR requirement 2.1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith. 2. Complete 2a and at least two of requirements 2b–2d.2a. Working with a parent or guardian, spiritual advisor, or religious leader, provide service to 

Meal Time Grace

Meal Time Grace

As a reverent scout, a mealtime grace or blessing is a wonderful way to practice a worship activity with your family while on vacation. Many scouts already sing this dinner-time blessing during campouts. Did you know it comes from a Disney movie? Sung by Dennis 

Church Services at Disney?

Church Services at Disney?

Would your family like to incorporate family worship and church services into your vacation planning? While Disney does not regularly offer on-property church services, there are a variety of ways your scouting family may worship while on vacation. Attend a local church service A list